Grieving? Read These Five Books in 2020.

Latch on to validation, comfort, and hope in the aftermath of loss


After my mom died in 2013, I struggled to find anyone around me who “got it” and really understood how I felt about her death. I turned to books as sources of wisdom from others who had experienced life-changing loss. Reading gave me stories I could insert myself in to comprehend my grief and words to describe what was happening that I didn’t have previously.

I still read stories about grief and grieving people because every single loss is different… and the vocabulary we use to describe grief is evolving and growing all the time.

Below are the best grief books I read in 2019. If they resonate with you, add them to your reading list or consider gifting them to someone you love who is grieving.

5. Permission to Grieve by Shelby Forsythia

(I would be remiss if I didn’t start with the book I published this year.) Permission to Grieve is part-memoir, part-self-help…



Shelby Forsythia | Grief Coach + Author

Tools, language, and support that help you grow through grief. 2X Author. Featured in Oprah Mag, Newsweek, HuffPost, Modern Loss. ♥