7 Subscriptions to Gift Your Grieving Friend or Family Member This Holiday Season

These thoughtful presents offer comfort all year round

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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With the holiday season comes the pressure to pick the perfect gift. When it comes to selecting a treat for your grieving friend or family member, that pressure can feel particularly pronounced. Something you may have gifted in years past (like glittery snowflake pajamas!) may feel trite in the midst of their loss. But forgoing a present altogether can make your friend or family member feel as if you’ve forgotten their loss entirely—and at a very difficult time of year for most grievers.

If you’re feeling stuck for ideas, consider gifting the griever in your life one of the following subscriptions, so they feel your support and comfort all year round. And of course, when in doubt, always defer to your grieving person for guidance on what they’d like to receive. Simply asking, “I’d like to gift you _____ for the holidays. Would that be okay with you?” is a wonderful way to allow your friend or family member to opt in to receiving your support.

Text Support from Grief Coach



Shelby Forsythia | Grief Coach + Author

Tools, language, and support that help you grow through grief. 2X Author. Featured in Oprah Mag, Newsweek, HuffPost, Modern Loss. ♥ www.shelbyforsythia.com